
September 26th, 2017

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42 . by: Witticaster September 28, 2017, 10:07 pm

The typography on XX's snarl is just absolutely perfect. I laughed so hard.

I wonder how cold it gets down in those big, expansive tunnels during the winter.
41 . by: September 28, 2017, 6:22 pm

@36- Ace high fives! I'm autochorissexual, I like sex in theory but not in practice. :D
40 . by: Zack September 28, 2017, 3:29 pm

Thank you for the correction.
39 . by: Multi commenter 35 The First September 28, 2017, 2:33 pm

Zack- you pretty much got it, but the hob used is vasectomied, not castrated- they leave his testicles in place so he has the hormonal drive to go after the ladies, just snip the connection so his sperm never travels into his semen.
38 . by: September 28, 2017, 12:48 am

Damn auto correct. I should really read things over before hitting the comment button.
37 . by: September 28, 2017, 12:47 am

It wasn't a jab at you. For people who enjoy sex, maturation does not fully replace it. And Fig enjoys sex.
36 . by: September 27, 2017, 8:36 pm

@35, yoooo, another ace here! I have nothing to add to the convo I just wanted to say hi o/
35 . by: September 27, 2017, 4:32 pm

@30- Yo speak for yourself. I'm on the asexual spectrum and I get by just fine without bringing someone else into sexyfuntimes.
34 . by: Zack September 27, 2017, 3:01 pm


Cherry II is saying "good!" as if in approval.

And I apologize 35,

I attempted to delete the duplicates, but ended up deleting all of them by accident.

35's comment was along the lines of, "you can satiate her hormones if you allow her to mate with a hob (castrated male), and then, she will go through a false pregnancy... really interesting!"
36 . by: September 27, 2017, 8:33 am

Silly question: After Fig's roar of rage, is Sherry saying "good" with an extra "o", or "God" drawn out like "Go-o-od!
35 . by: September 27, 2017, 8:13 am

31 . by: September 26, 2017, 11:04 pm

"Cant she masturbate" but like.. that doesn't replace sex with another person. It isn't as satisfying. Especially when you're a creature that dies if it doesn't have sex.
30 . by: September 26, 2017, 10:36 pm

Regarding the death that takes place after an extended season of heat in ferrets and other animals- In real life, it's not sex itself that brings them out of that state, it's the hormonal dump at the beginning of pregnancy. A Jill jab is the name for the method of injecting them with these hormones instead.
29 . by: September 26, 2017, 10:27 pm

So sad, yet... so cute...
28 . by: September 26, 2017, 8:37 pm

Eat Greenie maul the fox.
27 . by: Furrama September 26, 2017, 7:10 pm

Every pixel counts when you're smol.
26 . by: September 26, 2017, 6:49 pm

Just wanna say, I just love the way Zack draws the characters when they are really small on the panels
25 . by: Kaidona September 26, 2017, 3:33 pm

I would be totally okay with XX lashing out at Sherry while her guard is down like it clearly was on this page. The surprised reaction was way too satisfying.

24 . by: Zack September 26, 2017, 1:36 pm

Hi Furrama,

Time hasn't passed, I've simply forgotten to draw the new markings again. This has now been corrected. I also took this chance to draw Cherry II in some semblance of a winter coat, something else I forgot to do.
23 . by: kuu September 26, 2017, 1:17 pm

real being "partnerd" every time I see something writen about the benifits of sex, 99% of the time it is always about being with someone else, it's always "why you should have sex twice a day for your health" and I read it, and it is always "you and your partner" more so with, if you are in a relationship, and never have I seen one written that makes it sound like masturbation will also count, "be smarter , happier, healthier, sex or masturbation, doesn't matter, just have it happen, it's like medicine!"
22 . by: kuu September 26, 2017, 12:27 pm

"I guess it's just not the same" for her? for them? for mirror fig? if part of her needs "real sex" for some kind of controll over others in society if a person could do something else, but they have sex with you, and if you wanted them. you win. but in the Brothel she can't choose so that's not going to work. but they use their money for her service, when they could also masturbate, or buy something else. or take up a hobby. right?
21 . by: September 26, 2017, 10:12 am

@20 She does, apparently, masturbate, if the conversation on page 203 is any indication. Smoothie even called masturbation a modern form of self-control so I guess there's some research to be done into why that doesn't seem to be working for XX. Maybe she's just a special case.
20 . by: September 26, 2017, 10:07 am

Can't X just... you know...
19 . by: September 26, 2017, 9:49 am

I'd have to reread to be sure of the timeline, but when we first saw Smoothie and Scruffy they had brown fur, then there was a large amount of time we didn't see them (it was over winter, remember XX bit that one guy's face). So he probably had white fur during the beginning parts of the brothel story, then had brown fur when we met him again.
18 . by: Magenta September 26, 2017, 8:37 am

I'll admit that I laughed. Mostly because of the look on Sherry's face. That being said, poor, poor XX.
17 . by: Lex September 26, 2017, 7:13 am

Ah, let me rephrase: how could it be a year and a half and this is the first time his coat changed.
16 . by: Lex September 26, 2017, 7:06 am

How could it have been a year and a half if Smooth's coat has only changed once?

Also, at this point, why wouldn't she talk to Green or the VD to ask what's going on?
15 . by: September 26, 2017, 6:59 am

@7 I just laughed, but have you ever heard a ferret or stoat scream? My ferret did once when I accidentally scared her, it made me jump in a way similar to Sherry.
14 . by: kuu September 26, 2017, 5:47 am

it would not work if this was not cherry2, someone she might not like alredy?

as for ferrets. I once, long ago was on a forum, someone got insulted and nippy when told they need to spay their ferret or she will die when she goes into heat. that person said she "knows her animals and they would never do that"(like how people say their dog would never get loose and attack a human)
13 . by: Nobody September 26, 2017, 5:00 am

pretty sure that's the lunchroom; the entrance to fig's room has fabric "blinds" hanging and she's sitting at a "table" like in the cafeteria here.
12 . by: bluefan September 26, 2017, 4:04 am

@Furrama: made me laugh

Poor XX. Back to solid white backgrounds. I want to edit the page and litterally whipe that smug smile off Cherry's face. Really hope to see her get her ass kicked some time soon.....

By the way, is that the lunch room? Or did Cherry just pop in XX's room to check on the prisoner? Totally agree with #5's theory. Cherry probably knows everything that goes on here.
11 . by: Furrama September 26, 2017, 2:27 am

BY THE WAY I-- *is shot*
10 . by: Furrama September 26, 2017, 2:27 am

By the way, are the scar and brown nose supposed to be gone for realsies this time? Are you implying time has passed?
9 . by: Furrama September 26, 2017, 2:07 am

By the way, are stoats like ferrets? Will females die if they don't mate after so long? Is she literally dying to have sex, or just figuratively?
8 . by: Furrama September 26, 2017, 1:59 am

Yeah, after a reread of Scruffy/Smoothie's first scene, (and their second scene) I was actually wondering if the bet was just "can you go without for a year and a half?" Seems like that was so.

I guess Scruffy sent alcohol? And is out getting tail I guess. I (S)XY wouldn't get drunk and come visit would he?

Poor girl is shivering.
7 . by: September 26, 2017, 1:45 am

I just can't imagine XX's outburst here being anything but an adorable angry squeak. I try... but I can't bring myself to imagine it being anything else. That being said, I don't blame Sherry for jumping in surprise.

6 . by: September 26, 2017, 1:26 am

.........the worlds not ready for this comment but oh well: sherry and xx should do it
5 . by: September 25, 2017, 11:48 pm

Also I'm guessing it could mean that Sherry is privy to the scheme to get Smoothie mauled with her responding with 'good' to XX being so frustrated.
4 . by: September 25, 2017, 11:45 pm

I'm assuming that's what their bet was, that if Smoothie doesn't succumb to sex then Scruffy will admit he's won and surrender to his views.

And poor XX, Greenie is a conniving bastard to deprive her of sex in a time when their species is most needy for it to the point of violently lashing out. Although I'm assuming that Smoothie won't be attacked unless he gives in and has sex with her. Hopefully.
3 . by: Mutt September 25, 2017, 11:45 pm

It's funny that, despite all the physical influence Sherry has, she still gets startled on occassion. I wonder what role she'll be playing in XX's ultimate revelation at the end of the story.
2 . by: September 25, 2017, 11:39 pm

Even Cherry jumped, I shouldn't be laughing but I am.
1 . by: September 25, 2017, 11:37 pm

XX? Oh no, honey, that is not a good look.

Somebody do something! Do her, specifically.