
August 19th, 2017

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25 . by: Mason August 21, 2017, 10:05 pm

Well he did say he didn't do it very well a few pages ago.

I can sometimes feel my real body while in the dream state. I guess he was trying to coordinate his dream speech with his physical body at the sane time. It's not something I think anyone can do in reality, but plausible enough for fiction.
24 . by: kuu August 19, 2017, 7:00 pm

the one who is making her smile and pleased is the fangy bitey Fig, so she is going to be happy, with "i win"(although winning would be sex with Smoothie right?)
23 . by: August 19, 2017, 4:58 pm

I wonder if the vision in that eye is going to be affected? Blinded, or maybe even rendered monochrome?
22 . by: Zack August 19, 2017, 7:48 am


Thank you for pointing out the error of the missing markings on Fig's muzzle. The markings have been restored.
21 . by: August 18, 2017, 10:11 pm

ItPierces, you spoke too soon...!!
20 . by: Destrustor August 18, 2017, 8:35 pm

Well let's hope those cuts don't actually follow the exact borders and depth of the bitten part, since that would mean the skin of his face is entirely detached...

Hopefully it's just a surface outline.
19 . by: Furrama August 18, 2017, 6:30 pm

By the way, does anyone else appreciate that he sleeps like a vampire?

18 . by: Silkworm August 18, 2017, 3:38 pm

Other than that second spot of blood I like how Smoothy's injury is done in black and greys. Reminds me of 10%+ grey fights and greying out.

I wonder if Smoothy is going to scar from this..
17 . by: Nobody August 18, 2017, 3:28 pm

zachary, i'm surprised there's no "scarlet letter" reference as the title for this one!

fig seems pleased with herself judging by sleep expression.
to add to the discussion going on regarding her sides: i think it's noteworthy that in the dreams, fig's speech bubble color was not completely grey; still had a little bit of red.
16 . by: August 18, 2017, 1:31 pm

I'm glad I don't have to brace myself for Fangs of Death every time I scroll down now
15 . by: Furrama August 18, 2017, 12:45 pm

I think those were real physical bites. But she was unconscious for that one, since she was choked out at the time.
14 . by: Seven August 18, 2017, 12:32 pm

@Furrama - and that one client's face, and Morning Glory's neck. Probably Greenie's injury, too.
13 . by: Furrama August 18, 2017, 12:16 pm

Is this similar to what happened to Battery's wrist way back when?
12 . by: Mana August 18, 2017, 11:59 am

It appears he's bleeding from the line that appears on his face in the TERRIBLE CHOMPY TEETH OH GOD WHY panel in the last page... hmm. Did she graze him after all? It seems to be the same spot in which he was licked as well, which brings to mind Battery's interesting wound...

It's just more stupid useless rambling on my part that is probably cluttering up this comment section unnecessarily, but I can't stop thinking about 'mortido' and its relation to why Fig can't and shouldn't 'vacate'.

disclaimer: Freud was literally snorting cocaine 99% the time and as a result, 99% of his ideas only make sense in fiction.

‘The aim of all life is death...inanimate things existed before living ones’ (Freud 1920)

In the time of Freud, the idea of two warring instincts, libido and mortido, was popular in psychoanalysis. The idea was that there was a counterpart to the 'life impulse', called a 'death impulse'. Libido is driven to create, but mortido is driven to destroy. We typically classify a person's sexual impulse as 'libido' in our modern vernacular.

However, in the Berne tradition, sex is something that satisfies both libido AND mortido. It doesn't exist without them. In his view, when mortido becomes more important sexually than libido, it results in sadomasochism. Sadomasochism, in this definition, is intertwined with both inwardly and outwardly destructive behaviors.

However, excess of libido conflicts with society [society representing, ultimately, arbiter and distributor of wants and needs through the collective pursuance of those things by others; if you don't work with society, you will be restricted]. It becomes pushy, consumptive, and ignores boundaries to gratify impulse in the short term. To call back to the stoat doctor from the very beginning, it's a tension that must be relieved to stay civilized.

Joseph Campbell, a prominent figure in the conception and analysis of mythology as a 'hero's journey', considered art to be something between "incestuous 'libido' and patricidal 'destrudo'".

With these two views combined, art and sex are both impossible without both libido and mortido. Life is impossible without the balance between Eros and Thanatos. These are often misunderstood, as one pushes the other in an endless cycle; they do not terminate. Thanatos doesn't mean death, and Eros isn't just simple sexuality. Humans are not nearly as base as they think they are. [I wasn't a big fan of Fish Stoat]

"Eating preserves life but destroys that which is eaten."

The 'pure' XX doesn't want to dirty her coat, but it's not that simple. Instinct isn't filth. Destrudo is not the enemy of libido. The problem is the imbalance that causes harm to others and the self. In my opinion, parity needs to be achieved so XX can be a whole and satisfied person WITHOUT biting peoples' faces off...

Her interactions with XY will probably push her to the point of revelation, which is inevitable if she's going to stop stagnating. Thanatos and Eros must work together to form a functioning person.

Speaking of XY: he's clumsy and overeager, but he's not bad. I think he genuinely wants to help XX. Speaking from personal experience, it can be really, REALLY hard to deal with issues like XX's alone... having a friend [even a clumsy one that makes mistakes] helps, in ways you often don't expect. She asked for his help, and he's trying his best.

When you're down to the point where you can't even do the things you used to love, and can't see a way out, having someone who supports, teaches, and even pushes you sometimes is priceless, even if their approach/motivation is imperfect. My depression would be unmanageable [as in, I would be self-harming every day and unable to function] without the clumsy-but-loving XYs in my life...

[idk, I also see this story as a depression parable, as Fig represents the malicious inner voice, driven by insecurity and past hurts, and 'pure' XX represents her impossibly lofty society-molded ideal, and the physical XX is inevitably caught struggling in the middle].

a stupid afterthought because she keeps slinging out telenoias like it's going out of style hehe style get it please shoot me now: if Fig was a martial artist, I feel like her style would be called 'cathexis'. Cathexis describes an emotional 'charge', typically within the concept of libido and mortido. It has the implication of something electrical, but the word itself actually means 'holding'. Cathexis is an undeniable energy, generating want, and defies repression...

What do you think?
11 . by: August 18, 2017, 11:52 am

@1 it's only telenoia if it affects non-animal space. So, metanoia confirmed, at least...

Greenie could meet his match if Fig finally decides to lash out.
10 . by: August 18, 2017, 11:32 am

Maybe this is still a dream...
9 . by: Kai August 18, 2017, 10:38 am

Well, XX looks as if she's having a good dream. She's smiling in all 3 panels she's shown.
8 . by: Seven August 18, 2017, 10:21 am

"I thought I'd finally mastered that!"

Yeah that's not the kind of thing I'd want to hear coming from someone who's performing mental surgery on me...
7 . by: August 18, 2017, 9:23 am

"This usually isn't that dangerous."

Still, as long as half his bones don't fly out of his body he will have gotten off easy.
6 . by: August 18, 2017, 9:20 am

Ohhhhhhh shit son
5 . by: August 18, 2017, 8:38 am

No wait I missed her in one! She gets them again out of order, so there's an art mistake somewhere, with either the removal or addition of the chevrons.
4 . by: August 18, 2017, 8:34 am

XX is missing her dark chevrons in the first, has lines in the second, and they reappear in the third panel she's in.
3 . by: August 18, 2017, 8:29 am

2 . by: Downhill August 18, 2017, 7:06 am

O-o-oh man. Well, its better than half his face being completely bitten off, at Fig about to wake up, or is she going to continue fighting in the dream? Cuz she is in for an AWKWARD conversation if she does wake up.
1 . by: August 18, 2017, 6:47 am

telenoia confirmed