
June 6th, 2017

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Syconium page #173:

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47 . by: bluefan June 9, 2017, 6:22 am

Thanks Zack and Camila! That's really interesting. I never even noticed the ABOUT pages until now ^^;
46 . by: ItPierces June 9, 2017, 5:09 am

Has anyone else made the connection between the hatch blush and birds' magnetic sense, and, by extension the real implication of "the lightning isn't real lightning"?
45 . by: Finity June 9, 2017, 2:37 am

Oh wow, I have no idea how you guys found those so fast...I went to try to find some views of Earth in Solar System about an hour ago, but I just ended up forgetting about it and rereading the entire section where Hector faces off against the spherical custodian ship...LOL... This tends to happen to me whenever I try to 'just check something' in any of these comics. They're some of my favorite stories of all time, and I get sucked right back into them WAY too easily...
44 . by: Furrama June 9, 2017, 1:46 am

Page 73 and page 74, look in most recent comments to go there quickly (until they disappear anyway!).
43 . by: June 9, 2017, 1:37 am

Solar System pg. 371 shows the whole planet but it's a little unclear where the landmass(es) are. Solar System pg. 386 shows a much clear outline of a landmass (albeit repeated several times slightly differently.) Pg. 401 and 405 shows another back view. That's all I could find.
42 . by: Dani June 9, 2017, 12:38 am

Agree with 27; I think the moving hand is indicating a thrust, perhaps with one finger raised to point towards the mouth, while her 'cocked' arm is stationary.
41 . by: Zack June 8, 2017, 11:35 pm

I just know I've drawn the supercontinent a bunch of times... where is it? Try looking around the Earth section of Solar System. Wherever there'd be a view of the entire Earth.
40 . by: Furrama June 8, 2017, 9:36 pm

Zach I require a map of landmasses! The about page has been left alone for far too long too.
39 . by: June 8, 2017, 6:50 pm

@Furrama I don't think there IS a South America in this universe. I think Zack's saying that in a landmass-that-is-not-North-America, the regions that the stories take place in are roughly this distant and in these locations respective to each other.
38 . by: Furrama June 8, 2017, 4:48 pm

Huh. I always assumed 10%+ and Secretary both happened in different parts of South America. I think I was also imagining that this story was north west, around Washington State.

Didn't have much to go on save for main character species and environment.
37 . by: Zack June 8, 2017, 8:34 am

Hi Camila,

Thank you for providing the answer to bluefan's question, although you seem to have accidentally transposed the 0 and 1 in "2018"; 10%+ takes place in 2108, with Syconium taking place around 50 years after that.

One thing that isn't even discussed on the summary pages is where each story takes place. Although the continents are different, I tend to place them as you would regions in the United States: 10%+ would take place somewhere in California; Secretary takes place right here in New York, maybe Connecticut; Lycosa takes place further south, around Virgina; Finally, Syconium also takes place in the mid-south. (I don't think of Solar System as having a proper analogue in this way.) This can be significant information, because animal society started in the east and expanded outward. The "east coast" is where animal society is the most advanced.
36 . by: camila sc June 8, 2017, 6:22 am

(whoops forgot to put in my name lol, 35 is me)
35 . by: June 8, 2017, 6:21 am

according to the summaries:
>secretary (2008)
>lycosa (2014)
>10%+ (2018)
>synconium (doesn't have a summary page. Since HIOT is a thing, I'm guessing after 2018?)
>(pika? wild style?!!!)
>solar system (2495)
34 . by: kuu June 8, 2017, 5:58 am

yes #33 woohoo

"you're notttttt meeeeeeeeee"

@31 it was that in their society they wanted to move beyond total focus on the carnal? that one should spend their time bettering society and them self, growth and prosperity

was it to primal and animalistic to put more stock in animalistic desires and sex and stunts one's growth?
33 . by: June 8, 2017, 4:28 am

"I am a shadow, the true self..."
32 . by: bluefan June 8, 2017, 4:03 am

Okay, so... I have a general question:
All nofna stories happen in the same universe, just at different times, right? In which order do the stories happen, chronologically?
31 . by: Witch June 8, 2017, 12:34 am

Fig has a sense of humor, interesting!

I'm of the mind that Fig might not be as terrible as she's portrayed but is representing a pent up side of XX. Her mom treated her like she was a disgrace just because she liked sex, so did her therapist, Greenie, etc. We've already seen that people are able to literally split themselves (10%, the cats), so Fig might be... a metanoia, I guess? That XX created by accident, as an artistic statement?
30 . by: Kaidona June 7, 2017, 9:54 pm

oh come now, xx, the first thing you did when you saw this bloke was try to jump his bones, lol

29 . by: June 7, 2017, 2:27 pm

I think she's got her thumb facing us, underside of her arm upwards, the two black fuzzy things are dewclaw kinda pads on the bottom of her hand just above her wrist. And she's she's clasped her dick arm and is going up and down the length of it.
28 . by: Furrama June 7, 2017, 1:27 pm

Anything can hold you back if you allow it. Even socially innocent things can blow up and consume you if you overfeed and warp that desire within yourself.

Liking sex and sexuality is not her problem.

She has goals, ambitions, whole other parts of herself that are being drug down by this one thing. It has become her demon, though it needn't be one.

Thing is, if she can tame the demon and reincorporate it into her self in a healthy way, she will still have to face society's judgement, who has demons all its own it hasn't faced. Society too has tried to lock its base needs in the dark. Even freed from herself, society will still continue use and consume her, keeping her out of the true light. Left unchecked and society will also succumb to the demons, eventually.

If she can save society, she will also save herself.
27 . by: June 7, 2017, 10:57 am

she's using her right arm to look like a blowjob, and her left arm is showing the thrusting motion of the "arm".. but yeah I do think sexuality is essential to who a person is, but you can easily demonize it if you perceive it to be holding you back from your other goals
26 . by: June 7, 2017, 10:49 am

Looks like she's stroking her arm.
25 . by: June 7, 2017, 10:28 am

I really don't understand the foreshortening of the fingers in the blow job panel.
24 . by: hemlock June 7, 2017, 5:39 am

maybe a better term would be sensuality?
23 . by: kuu June 7, 2017, 5:11 am

but i thought for a good deal of people their sexuality was them a very very big part of them
22 . by: June 6, 2017, 11:47 pm

K, jiggling his balls, I believe
21 . by: Waulflora June 6, 2017, 10:02 pm

I kind of like this? It reminds me of these blog posts for people with depression that say: you are not your depression. You have depression, you have depressive thoughts, but your are not those thoughts.

Therefor: XX; you are not your sexual thoughts. You enjoy being sexy and having sex, but you are not your sexuality.
20 . by: K June 6, 2017, 9:40 pm

I can't believe I'm asking this, but... what's the motion Dark Fig is making in panel 9 with her left hand meant to represent? Fingering him? The right is obviously a BJ, but the left I'm not 100% sure about.

Christ. What happened to my life that I'm asking these sorts of questions.
19 . by: Kai June 6, 2017, 9:30 pm

Aaaand I just realized that auto correct attacked in my last comment.

18 . by: Kai June 6, 2017, 8:30 pm


It was one of the fit's things I thought of hahaha.
17 . by: June 6, 2017, 8:15 pm

Has anyone else realized how applicable this meme is to Syconium?!

16 . by: Dani June 6, 2017, 6:19 pm

(I am so bad at not completing my thought processes before posting comments...I apologize for the ugly double-posting!)

We know Smoothie has sexual thoughts about Fig. We also know he as a bet at stake with Roughie. He must be going through some sort of self-repression/two-sided struggle as well. But maybe not to the extent of XX and Sherry. If that were the case, Smoothie would probably look different to us as Sherry did with her eye color. But I wonder if he will reveal something of that nature to Fig now that he is aware of the nature of her struggle!
15 . by: Dani June 6, 2017, 6:12 pm

That was a great summary Furrama, I agree with it! I think she needs to acknowledge her desires to someone she can Smoothie! That might help her be honest with herself in the process.
14 . by: June 6, 2017, 3:50 pm

I love her furious swatting to get the hatch blush off her face.
13 . by: Furrama June 6, 2017, 2:19 pm

In order to keep yourself in check you have to acknowledge your base desires and face them head on. Feeling guilty and never unraveling them means that they will continue to rule you. You will indulge them. You will spiral down. You will hate yourself.

You will become the animal.

Doing what you think is right, against your inner desires, can be so hard because of that - you are your own worst enemy. You can get out, but the longer you wait the harder the climb.

Incidentally, I too enjoy talking to myself in front of others. XD
12 . by: Dani June 6, 2017, 2:06 pm

At first I wasn't quite sure what DarkXX was trying to demonstrate, so your comment helped me out there Kai, thanks :P.
11 . by: camila sc June 6, 2017, 11:52 am

and so -The Talk- that Quintet and Polarizing had at the end of 10%+ gets more and more relevant.
10 . by: Witticaster June 6, 2017, 11:41 am

Also, love the unity of panels 4 and 5. It's refreshing (and compositionally way nicer looking) than the more traditional left-right mirroring used to show "two sides of the same person."
9 . by: Witticaster June 6, 2017, 11:31 am

Hahaha, the hatch blush attacks!! Smoothie looks so confused and horrified.

Fig's logic strongly reminds me of - ironically - my old sect of organized religion. They went ahead and framed the mere experiencing of concupiscence as a personal character flaw - even if you never acted on those urges. You could DO everything right but still be deemed horrible and worthless in character, simply because your spirit happened to be (involuntarily) placed in a body that naturally experiences urges contrary to the goals of your mind. A terrible Catch-22 that fosters self-hate and helplessness.

Now that I think of it, Greenie used this same logic a while back. "If your body's desire got you this far, doesn't that make this what you desire?"

Don't listen to her XX, the fact that your society has flourished is proof that mind over matter can happen. Hell, your world even has mind-INTO-matter magic powers, you've got it way easier than the rest of us.
8 . by: Destrustor June 6, 2017, 10:10 am

Oh god that blushing scrunchyface.
7 . by: bluefan June 6, 2017, 6:31 am

(cont.) I thought Smoothie was just touching her paw in a friendly manner or something
6 . by: bluefan June 6, 2017, 6:30 am

This is hilarious! Smoothie standing there looking at her like "uuurrrrrrwwhat?"o-o I wonder what influence this display has on his theories

@K thanks for your comment, I didn't realize before that getting rid of the hatch blush was the purpose of her embarrassed spass attack XD
5 . by: Kai June 6, 2017, 5:45 am

Oh my god, I'm dead. This page is the death of me. I love these expression so much. Also Dark Fig's blow job motion made me snort.

And Fig doesn't do oral, right? At least that's what was stated by her first customers. So she must really like Smooth, if she's been thinking of that. It feels implied, considering Dark Fig makes the gesture, then says "these are real thoughts you have."
4 . by: 8bit June 6, 2017, 5:32 am

THE EXPRESSIONS, I'M SCREAMING. Especially Dark Fig in panel 9 :')
3 . by: K June 6, 2017, 4:53 am

Oh shit, look out Smoothie! Those blush hatches are deadly!
2 . by: June 6, 2017, 4:43 am

Fight! Fight! Fight!
1 . by: June 6, 2017, 4:39 am

Oh my god I'm fucking dying. Those expressions. Fig gets so puffed up when she's agitated.